state government in the united states câu
agencies of the united states government
agencies of the United States Government containing elements within theCơ quan quản lý nhà nước bao gồm các bên liên quan trong Pages ...

federal government of the united states
The Federal Government of the United States was established by the United States Constitution.Chính phủ liên bang được thiết lập bởi Hi...

government databases in the united states
Government databases in the United StatesCơ sở dữ liệu chính phủ tại Hoa Kỳ Government databases in the United States •Cơ sở dữ liệu c...

government in the united states
State and Local Government in the United States.Các chính quyền bang và địa phương ở Mỹ Compromise is also a vital aspect of other lev...

local government in the united states
State and Local Government in the United States.Các chính quyền bang và địa phương ở Mỹ City commission government is a form of local ...

united states government information
The sentence is the longest ever handed down in a case involving a leak of United States government information to be reported to the p...

united states government officials
284 of its members listed in this report were United States Government officials.284 thành viên trong danh sách là các viên chức trong ...

united states government securities
You could invest in United States government securities maturing in a year.Bạn có thể đầu tư vào chứng khoán của chính phủ Mỹ có thời g...

united states department of state
US passports are issued by the United States Department of State.Hộ chiếu Mỹ được phát hành bởi Bộ Ngoại giao Hoa Kỳ. 2004 Human Right...

united states secretaries of state
Rusk is the joint-List of United States Secretaries of State by time in office/second-longest serving U.S. Secretary of State of all ti...

united states secretary of state
Former United States Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger dies.Cựu Ngoại trưởng Mỹ Lawrence S. Eagleburger qua đời Kumaratunga (cen...

water in the united states by state
Water in the United States by stateNước ở Hoa Kỳ theo tiểu bang

independent agencies of the united states government
Pages in category "Independent agencies of the United States government"Các trang trong thể loại “Cơ quan độc lập thuộc Chính phủ Hoa K...

united states office of government ethics
According to the United States Office of Government Ethics, a political appointee is "any employee who is appointed by the President, t...

united states army military government in korea
Target- United States Army Military Government in Korea and later Government of South Korea.Chính phủ quân sự Lục quân Hoa Kỳ tại Triều...

united states
ngày 23 tháng 10 năm 2011 Cleveland United States Wolstein Center and a country, the United States of America, that changed the world. A...

states of the united states
A four-coloring of a map of the states of the United States (ignoring lakes).Phiên bản 4-màu bản đồ các bang của Mỹ (bỏ qua các hồ). T...

government of the united arab emirates
Recently, the project has received the support of the government of the United Arab Emirates.Mới gần đây, dự án đã nhận được sự hỗ trợ ...

government of the united kingdom
The government of the United Kingdom has already started selling its shares in Lloyds.Chính phủ Anh bắt đầu bán cổ phần ngân hàng Lloyd...

116th united states congress
For the 116th United States Congress .cho Quốc hội Hoa Kỳ lần thứ 116. 116th United States Congress Welcomes Record Number of WomenQuố...

1776 in the united states
1776 in the United States.Năm 1776 tại Nước Mỹ.

1800s in the united states
By the 1800s in the United States, the term blues was associated with drinking alcohol, a meaning which survives in the phrase blue law...

1819 in the united states
A typical example of this was during the Panic of 1819 in the United States after its Second National Bank was chartered in 1816.Ví dụ ...

1839 in the united states
in 1839 in the United States.năm 1893 tại Mỹ.

1848 in the united states
Started in 1848 in the United States.Khởi đầu năm 1848 ở Hoa Kỳ